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Become a Member!

To join Shared Learning, simply register for one or more classes and, if joining for fall or winter courses, pay the the yearly membership fee ($70 if you join before the fall term or $40 if you become a member at the start of the winter term). By far the easiest way to do so is by clicking the Register button below. Consult the catalog first, note the courses you wish to sign up for, and, if you are becoming a member in the fall or in the winter, have your credit card information ready. The button will be active until a few days after registration ends; if you still wish to join after that, please email our registrar for class availability.



​​If you prefer, you may Download the Course Catalog, print and fill out your course choices and registration pages at the end, and send them with a check for $70 (if joining  in the fall term) or $40 (if joining for the winter term) per person to cover the membership fee to our registrar, Doug Shier, 182 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312. Note that payment is only required once a year, and joining for the spring term is free of charge.

About joining Shared Learning

The Shared Learning membership year is from September through August. Signing up in the Fall gives one a full year of membership and costs only $70 per person (as of September 2023). Non-members signing up for the first time through registration for Winter classes benefit from a reduced membership fee of $40 for the remainder of the membership year. For the modest membership fee, people may take as many courses as they wish from our rich course catalog. Courses in the shorter spring term are open to the public at large and registration for these does not require a membership fee; they thus provide an ideal way to sample the congenial Shared Learning environment at no cost.


Classes meet once a week, usually either from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., or 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.. Certain courses, called spotlight courses, do not run a full term but meet only from three to half a dozen times; schedules for these classes may vary. Times and venue for all courses are indicated in our course catalog. Check the Courses section of this website for further information.

The weather is really bad... do we have class? Check out our inclement weather policy!

Moderate a course!

Do you have a hobby or another interest you are passionate about? Do you enjoy sharing your passion with others? Does the idea of communicating with people about your area of interest, teaching them and maybe also leaning from them sound appealing?


If so, Shared Learning would love to hear from you! We are always looking for people willing to moderate courses and thereby contribute to our community of learners. No teaching experience and no formal degree in the subject matter are necessary. Members of the CCC (Curricula and Catalog Committee) would appreciate talking with you. Contacting them by email does not constitute a commitment, but may result in a mutually beneficial collaboration. Why not click the email button below now?

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